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Come see a Man! (with sermon video)

A Samaritan woman had a personal encounter with Jesus.  There was a long standing racial conflict between the Jews and the Samaritans.  In addition, Jewish tradition dictated that a pious Jewish Male should not publicly speak with a female that he did not know.  However, Jesus spoke with this woman.  Obviously, Jesus felt that the gospel was for everyone, regardless of race, social background, or pedigree.  Furthermore, Jesus refused to allow the traditional thoughts of man to prevent him from ministering to everyone.  Jesus went against the grain of the culture of that time.  As a child of God, do not allow traditions or your culture to prevent you from doing the will of God. 

In speaking to the Samaritan woman, Jesus captivated her attention and aroused her curiosity.  He revealed to her the essence of Eternal Life.  The water that He was going to give her would be a “well of water springing up into everlasting life.”  Water symbolically represented the pure spiritual means of satisfying the longing of one’s soul.  Our soul longs for a relationship with its creator.  God is the creator of our soul.  Our soul and life belongs to Him. 

Having talked with Jesus, the woman had a sense of urgency.  The disciples had return from their mission of getting some meat to eat.  They marveled at the fact that Jesus was talking to this woman.  Yet, out of high regard and respect for Jesus, they did not openly ask any questions.  The woman sensed the response of the men, and left her water-pot, and made her way into the city where she was from.  She urged the people, “Come see a Man which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?”

You should, with urgency, tell others about Him if you are convinced that Jesus is the Christ.  Let others know of the joys and blessings that you have gathered from your encounter with Him.  By your witness, perhaps others will respond and come to have an encounter with Him also. 

In His Will
Rev. Dr. A.L. Purham, Sr., Pastor
The Freedom Church


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